adult chiropractic care
  • Athletic injuries

  • Disc Herniations

  • Neuropathy

  • Workplace stress

  • Reproductive health

  • Lower back pain

  • Headaches & migraines

  • Digestive issues

We see and help teens and adults with these challenges :

  • Joint pain

  • Inflammation

  • Brain fog

  • Sleep challenges

  • Muscle pain

  • Concussion and TBI

  • TMJ dysfunction & jaw pain

  • Falls & other injuries

chiropractic adjustment

Adult Chiropractic

We now know, more than ever, that a healthy nervous system is essential to how we connect with, adapt to, learn from and thrive in our world, and in relation to each other. The common ailments of today, including anxiety, depression, chronic inflammation, as well as digestive challenges, hypersensitivity to foods, mold and other environmental elements, all point to a nervous system that is struggling to maintain function, and effectively adapt to the stresses of life.

The philosophy of chiropractic champions the innate intelligence that all living things possess. As chiropractors we remove physical interferences to the nervous system through specific, chiropractic adjustments to the spine. When the nervous system is free to function optimally, healing happens, the inborn wisdom of the body is expressed, and we are in a more balanced dance with the inevitable stressors of life.

Sacro Occipital Technique, SOT

Our Approach

We offer a variety of chiropractic techniques to suit individual needs and preferences, including Diversified technique, Thompson drop technique, Flexion- Distraction and Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT). At our office we believe that the adjustment as well as the therapeutic environment we create with each visit, and the resources we provide our patients, all contribute to the process of healing.