breastfeeding support

  • Painful latch

  • Better latch on one breast compared to the other

  • Shallow latch

  • Ineffective or inefficient suck or latch

We see and help women with these breastfeeding challenges :

  • High vaulted palate

  • Tongue tie/ Tethered Oral Tissue (TOTs)

  • Pre and post tongue tie release care 

  • Clogged ducts, Mastitis

Checking latch and breastfeeding support

Breastfeeding Support

We know, through modern research, the numerous benefits of breastfeeding, and we are passionate about providing support for this often challenging task.  We have seen women easily nurse their babies without need of any assistance, and we have also seen women who are hit hard by the physical and emotional challenges that can come with nursing. In any case, we are here to help and support you in your breastfeeding journey because we know how important this natural process is for your baby’s ability to develop and thrive.  

Infant oral tie and chiropractic care

Specialty Care

Dr. Hinkle has more than a decade of professional experience and training and personal experience to help babies with their latch, and provide support and resources for families.  She works in coordination with midwives, pediatric dentists, lactation consultants and pediatricians to provide the most comprehensive care needed to navigate breastfeeding challenges.